Free Download: Section 1071 Risk Evaluation
Gain a snapshot of your Section 1071 risk in this free, 7-step DIY risk evaluation!
Download the complimentary step-by-step guide to gauge your institution's risk and begin preparing for Section 1071!
Complying with Section 1071 is going to be a challenge. Understanding your institution’s current process, and how it compares to the 1071 requirements, is an important first step in gauging your institution’s 1071 risk.
Our complimentary 7 Steps to Gauge your Institution's Risk is intended to serve as a guide that may highlight potential “gaps” or issues in your current commercial loan process and help identify areas that may need attention.
Download this Free step-by-step guide and begin preparing today!
Get the Free 7-Step Section 1071 Risk Evaluation!
Interested in learning more about Section 1071?
On-Demand Compliance Training
How to Create a 1071 GAP Analysis and Create a Plan for Compliance: This one-hour course outlines the components of, and how to conduct a Gap Analysis for Section 1071. You'll come away with a better understanding of the 21 new reporting requirements and what they mean for their institution. Together, we’ll dive into the proposed requirements, analyze what elements may already be a part of your lending program, and how to strengthen areas that may be deficient.
Section 1071 Frontline Bootcamp: What your Frontline Needs to Know Now: This hour-long class focuses on preparing your institution’s “front line,” including commercial loan officers, with working knowledge of the Section 1071 and how it will impact current processes, your organization, and their jobs. Your regulator will be looking for lending disparity in small business lending and it is more important than ever to ensure your front line is prepared!
Five Critical Section 1071 Steps Needed Now: This two-hour on-demand webinar outlines the 5 most important steps to take in preparation for Section 1071's Regulation B updates. Guided by recognized compliance experts Jack Holzknecht and Kimberly Boatwright, you'll come away with the tools you need to ease the regulatory burden and make your implementation process smooth, efficient, and effective.
Free Downloads
Section 1071 Whitepaper: Download our complimentary Section 1071 White Paper to get a better understanding of the most challenging compliance initiative in years. Find it here.
Section 1071 Director and Senior Management Update Template: Download the Section 1071 Director and Senior Management Update (DSMU) to communicate necessary changes to your compliance program more effectively with your board and senior leadership teams. Find it here.